(1880 – 1958)
In 1903 he began his artistic studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and at the Free School of Nude. Author of the statue depicting “Tuscany” (1907) in the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome, in 1909 he won the competition for the “Valor Militare” group for the same destination. In 1913 he was in Petersburg to build the monument to Tsar Alexander II (later entrusted to Pietro Canonica), in the city he was appointed professor of sculpture at the Academy. He then stayed in Germany and Austria. Returning to Florence in 1923, he dedicated himself to portraiture, executed the monument to the Fallen (1924) of Montescudaio and taught at the Academy from 1928. Author of the marble group depicting “the Arno and its valley” (1935) for the station railway of Florence, in 1937 he obtained the chair of sculpture at the Accademia Albertina in Turin and in 1939 he executed the monument to the “Queen Margherita” in Bordighera. In 1925 he exhibited in Rome “the thread of life”, in 1934 (portraits) in Venice and has been present at the exhibitions of the Promoter of Fine Arts in Turin since 1940. The portrait of “Plinio Nomellini” is preserved in the Gallery of Modern Art in Milan ”And in the Capitoline Museum in Rome the bronze“ Romolo ”. Other works by him are present in the Modern Art galleries of Turin (“Silvano”), Florence, Rome, Novara and in the Museum of the Risorgimento in Genoa.