Farnese Hercules
The Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry has performed a series of posthumous lost-wax bronze castings of ancient and Renaissance classics for the new Museo Michelangelo.
One of the most important works of Classical Greece is the Farnese Hercules which was shipped to Battle Ground, WA, where the Museum opened.
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Moses by Michelangelo
Tra i calchi originali tratti dai Capolavori di Michelangelo, la Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli di Firenze ha eseguito la fusione postuma in bronzo del Mosè. L’opera di marmo venne scolpita da Michelangelo per la gigantesca tomba di Papa Giulio II che doveva essere posta nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano.
È notorio che quel progetto non vide mai la luce, e lo splendido Mosè è stato posto nella Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli a Roma nella molto più piccola tomba dello stesso Papa.
Among the original casts taken from Michelangelo’s masterpieces, the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence made the posthumous bronze casting of Moses. The marble work was sculpted by Michelangelo for the gigantic tomb of Pope Julius II which was to be placed in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.
It is well known that that project never saw the light of day, and the splendid Moses was placed in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome in the much smaller tomb of the Pope himself.
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